Our growing operations have been built on over 95 years of experience beginning with the Hafner Family Farm.

With over 75,000 sq ft of growing greenhouses, Chuck Hafner’s grows a large percentage of the plants sold at the garden center annually. Our growing greenhouses are in production 11 months of the year. We begin growing our Spring selections in the first week of February and continue growing annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, and vegetable plants into July. In June, we plant our Fall mum crop so it is ready in mid-August and will continue to be available through October. Our final planting of the year is our Poinsettias crop. Our Poinsettias are potted up mid-July ready for Christmas sales beginning in mid-November. Poinsettias are our longest growing crop.

Growing in our own greenhouses allows us to offer the best varieties available. We have complete control over the growing process to ensure our plants have superior performance in your home and garden.

We grow over –

20,000 Hanging Baskets including Million Bells, Wave Petunias, Supertunias, Geraniums, Impatiens, Bacopa, Fuchsias…
60,000 Proven Winners including Supertunias, Bacopa, Super Bells, Sweet Potatoe Vine, Nemesia, coleus…
55,000 Vegetable Plants including Tomatoes, Peppers, Squash, Cucumbers, Lettuce…
60,000 Designer Annuals including Proven Winners, Confetti/Trixi, Begonias, Petunias, Geraniums, Impatiens, Marigolds, Vinca vine…
15,000 Perennials including Asiatic Lily, Hosta, Dianthus, Daylily, Echinacea, Sedum, Hibiscus, Phlox, Shasta Daisy…
25,000 Fall Mums
14,000 Poinsettias