Plants that tolerate heavy clay soils
Clay soils are very common in Central New York. These types of soils are high in nutrients, but it can be difficult for some plants to establish a root system if the clay is especially dense and hard. It can also be poorly drained. Some plants are better adapted to survive in this type of soil than others. If planting a smaller shrub, you can amend the clay soil with compost to increase the drainage and soften the soil for better root penetration. Digging a hole 2 to 3 times wider than the root ball when planting will help to break up the clay so that young roots can penetrate into the surrounding soil better. We have developed a list of trees and shrubs that do well in heavy clay soils. For a copy of this guide to download and keep please click here.
Not all varieties are available throughout the season so please call ahead to check current availability with our nursery.
Tree | Botanical Name | Varieties Likely Available |
Bald Cypress | Taxodium distichum | Green Whisper |
Concolor Fir | Abies concolor | |
Crabapple | Malus | Many Varieties Available |
Dawn Redwood | Metasequoia gliptostromboides | |
Ginkgo | Ginkgo biloba | Saratoga or Autumn Gold |
Honey Locust | Gleditsia triacanthos | Skyline, Shademaster, Sunburst |
Katsura | Cercidiphyllum | Red Fox and Weeping |
Norway Spruce | Picea abies | Weeping and Dwarf |
Ornamental Pear | Pyrus calleryana | Cleveland Select |
Paperbark Maple | Acer griseum | |
Red Maple | Acer rubrum | Many Varieties Available |
Redbud | Cercis canadensis | Many Varieties Available |
River Birch | Betula nigra | Duraheat and Heritage |
Serviceberry Tree Form | Amelanchier spp. | Many Varieties Available |
Tulip Tree | Liriodendron tupilifera | |
Willow | Salix spp. | Niobe and Prairie Cascade |
Shrubs | Botanical Name | Varieties Likely Available |
Bush Honeysuckle | Diervilla lonicera | Cool Splash |
Burning Bush | Euonymus alatus | Dwarf and Little Moses |
Eastern White Cedar | Thuja occidentalis | Emerald Green and many more |
Ninebark | Physocarpus opulifolius | Many Varieties Available |
Potentilla | Potentilla fruticosa | Many Varieties Available |
Redosier Dogwood | Cornus sericea | Cardinal, Bailey’s, and Yellow Twig |
Rugosa Rose | Rosa rugosa | Many Varieties Available |
Serviceberry | Amelanchier spp. | Many Varieties Available |
Spirea | Spiraea spp. | Many Varieties Available |
Tatarian Dogwood | Cornus alba | Ivory Halo |
Winterberry | Ilex verticillata | Many Varieties Available |