Extreme low winter temperature is a major factor when choosing landscape plants. If you choose plants that aren’t cold hardy enough for your location they will not perform as expected, can become injured from cold, and can die as a result of the extreme cold temperatures. To help farmers and gardeners make decisions about what to plant in their areas, the USDA has established hardiness zones that are mapped on the USDA Hardiness Zone Map (See the website Planthardiness.ars.usda.gov for an interactive map to determine what zone your garden is in).
The hardiness zones are determined by the average minimum winter temperatures in an area. There are 13 zones in 10 degree increments which are further divided into 5 degree increments noted by an “a” or “b” within each zone. New York hardiness zones range from 7b in Long Island with minimum temps from 5 to 10˚ to 3b in the elevations of the Adirondack Mountains with minimum temperatures -35 to -30˚. The lower the number of the zone the colder the minimum winter temperatures are.
On most labels for perennials and nursery stock, the coldest hardiness zone that a plant can survive in is listed. If you are planting in a zone with a higher number, you are planting into a warmer zone so the plant shouldn’t be negatively affected by the area’s lowest minimum temperatures. For example, if the label of a perennial plant says it will survive in Zone 3, then you are safe to plant in Zone 3 and higher, such as Zone 5. If you suspect that you live in an area that tends to be colder than surrounding areas, play it safe and choose plants that will survive in a zone colder. This is a guide intended to help you determine what plants will thrive in your garden.
Hardiness Zones of local towns and cities
- Syracuse, Baldwinsville, Camillus, Onondaga, Fayetteville, Bridgeport – Zone 5b (-15˚ to -10˚F)
- Cortland, Pompey, Cazenovia, Central Square, – Zone 5a (-20˚ to -15˚F)
- Oswego – Zone 5b (-15˚ to -10˚F) to 6a (-10˚ to -5˚F) depending upon proximity to Lake Ontario
- Watertown – Zone 4b (-25˚ to -20˚F)
- Rochester – Zone 6a (-10˚ to -5˚F) to 6b (-5˚ to 0˚F)
- Utica – 4b (-25˚ to -20˚F) to 5a (-20˚ to -15˚F)
- Old Forge – Zone 3b (-35˚ to -30˚F)
Cold damage
- Branches die back, sometimes looking black such as on roses. Evergreens may turn brown in spring.
- Deciduous plants may not break dormancy or break dormancy very late. Perennials may not start growing from the crown or are much smaller than the previous year.
- Flower buds may freeze, reducing flowers and fruit production the following growing season.
Factors that may affect your Hardiness Zone relative to surrounding areas in CNY
- Higher elevations, such as the Adirondacks and hills south of Syracuse, have lower minimum winter temperatures
- Windchills from extreme winter winds don’t affect minimum winter temperatures. Plants are generally at the ambient temperature so wind passing over them doesn’t decrease temperature by removing heat as it would with, for example, the skin of a person. In fact, wind can help increase minimum temps by mixing colder air that has settled in low spots such as in a valley.
- Closer proximity to larger lakes such as Lake Ontario, Oneida Lake, and the Finger Lakes will increase minimum winter temps making those areas warmer
- There are areas north of Syracuse where zones change from warmer by Lake Ontario (Zone 6a) to much colder in the Tug Hill Plateau (3b) within 40 miles. It’s important to understand and know your hardiness zone before you plant into these areas.
Cold Zone Plants
Please note: This list does not imply the availability of items listed at any given time. For many Genera and species of plants, the cold hardiness will vary for specific cultivars and hybrids. Make sure to check cold hardiness for specific cultivars and hybrids. This list contains plants for certain zones as a guide. We cannot guarantee hardiness since we have no control over the climate or conditions in which the plant will be installed. In addition, when researching plants for hardiness, often zones listed for a specific plant vary depending upon the resource. Again, this is a guide to help customers make decisions.
If you would like to download a copy of this guide please click here.
Zone 2 Plants | |
Botanical Name | Common Name |
Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ | ‘Youngii’ Weeping Birch |
Caragana arbor. ‘Pendula’ | Weeping Pea |
Cornus sericea All varieties | Red Twig Dogwood |
Microbiota decussata | Russian Cypress |
Picea abies | Norway Spruce |
Picea pungens | Colorado Blue Spruce |
Pinus mugo pumilio | Dwarf Mugo Pine |
Phlox subulata All Varieties | Creeping Phlox All Varieties |
Physocarpus Amber Jubilee | Ninebark Amber Jubilee |
Potentilla frut. All varieties | Potentilla All Varieties |
Rosa rugosa | Rugosa Rose |
Rosa rugosa alba | White Rugosa Rose |
Salix candida Iceberg Alley | Iceberg Ally Sageleaf Willow |
Salix discolor | Pussy Willow |
Syringa x hyac. Some Varieties | Lilac hybrids Some Varieties |
Zone 3 Trees | |
Botanical Name | Common Name |
Abies balsamea | Balsam Fir |
Abies concolor | Concolor Fir |
Acer rubr. ‘Autumn Flame’ | ‘Autumn Flame’ Red Maple |
Acer sacc. ‘Green Mountain’ | ‘Green Mountain’ Sugar Maple |
Amelanchier canadensis | Shadblow Serviceberry |
Amelanchier ‘Princess Diana’ | ‘Princess Diana’ Serviceberry |
Ginkgo bilo. ‘Autumn Gold’ | ‘Autumn Gold’ Ginkgo |
Malus Golden Raindrops | Golden Raindrops Crabapple |
Malus Showtime | Showtime Crabapple |
Pinus strobus | White Pine |
Quercus rubra | Northern Red Oak |
Sambucus canadensis | Elberberry ‘Adams’, ‘York’ |
Salix alba ‘Tristis’ | Niobe Golden Weeping Willow |
Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory silk’ | ‘Ivory Silk’ Japanese Lilac Tree |
Zone 3 Shrubs | |
Botanical Name | Common Name |
Aronia mela. all varieties | Black Chokeberry |
Cornus alba All varieties | Ivory Halo Redtwig Dogwood |
Hydrangea arborescens | Smooth Hydrangea All Varieties |
Hydrangea pani. All Varieties | Panicle Hydrangea All Varieties |
Juniperus chinensis Most Varieties | Chinese Juniper Most Varieties |
Juniperus horizontalis All Varieties | Creeping Juniper All Varieties |
Juniper scop. All Varieties | Rocky Mountain Upright Juniper |
Physocarpus All Varieties | Ninebark All Varieties |
Picea abies Grafted Varieties | Norway Spruce Varieties |
Picea pung. Grafted Varieties | Blue Spruce Grafted Varieties |
Pinus strob Grafted Varieties | White Pine Grafted Varieties |
Prunus cistena | Sandcherry |
Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-Low’ | ‘Gro-Low’ Fragrant Sumac |
Spiraea japonica All varieties | Dbl Play
Little Princess Magic Carpet |
Neon Flash
Shirobana |
Spiraea x vanhoutei ‘Renaissance’ | Van Houte Spiraea |
Syringa x Bloomerang | Bloomerang Lilac All Varieties |
Syringa meyerii ‘Palibin’ | ‘Palibin’ Dwarf Lilac |
Syringa patula ‘Miss Kim’ | ‘Miss Kim’ Dwarf Lilac |
Syringa vulgaris All Varieties | French Hybrid Lilacs |
Thuja occi. Most Varieties | Eastern White Cedar |
Zone 3 Roses | |
Above & Beyond (Climbing) | |
Campfire (Shrub) | |
Lotty’s Love (Rugosa) | |
Blanc de Coubert (Rugosa) | |
Hansa (Rugosa) | |
Zone 3 Grasses | |
Zone 3 Perennials |
Botanical Name | Common Name | ||||
Andropogon gerardi | Big Blue Stem | ||||
Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Blue Stem | ||||
Zone 3 Perennials | |||||
Botanical Name | Common Name | ||||
Achillea mill, Most Varieties | Yarrow Most Varieties | ||||
Alchemilla mollis | Lady’s Mantle | ||||
Aralia cordata ‘Sun King’ | Golden Japanese Spikenard | ||||
Artemesia schmidtiana ‘Nana’ | Silvermound | ||||
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterfly Flower | ||||
Aster divaricatus All Varieties | Wood’s Aster | ||||
Aster nova. All Varieties | New York Aster All Varieties | ||||
Athyrium nipo. All Varieties | Japanese Painted Fern | ||||
Bergenia All Varieties | Pigsqueak All Varieties | ||||
Brunnera All Varieties | Siberian Bugloss All Varieties | ||||
Campanula carp. All Varieties | Bellflower | ||||
Chelone All Varieties | Turtlehead All Varieties | ||||
Coreopsis verticillata | Threadleaf Coreopsis | ||||
Zagreb |
Delphinium All Varieties | Larkspur | ||||
Dianthus Some Varieties | Pinks Some Varieties | ||||
Dicentra spec. All Varieties | Bleeding Heart All Varieties | ||||
Echinacea purp. All Varieties | Coneflower All Varieties | ||||
PowWow Wild Berry, White | |||||
Eupatorium macu. All Varieties | Joe-Pye Weed All Varieties | ||||
Gaillardia All Varieties | Blanketflower All Varieties | ||||
Hemerocallis All Vaieties | Daylilies All Varieties | ||||
Hosta All Varieties | Plantain Lily | ||||
Iris siberica All Varieties | Siberian Iris All Varieties | ||||
Liatris spicata All Varieties | Blazing Star | ||||
Lobelia cardinalis | Cardinal Flower | ||||
Matteuccia struthiopteris | Ostrich Fern | ||||
Monarda Many Varieties | Bee Balm Many Varieties | ||||
Nepeta x fraassenii All Varieties | Catmint All Varieties | ||||
Paeonia All Varieties | Peony All Varieties | ||||
Penstemon Hybrids | Beardtongue
‘Dark Towers’ |
‘Husker Red’ | |||||
Phlox pan. Most varieties | Tall Garden Phlox | ||||
Polemonium All Varieties | Jacob’s Ladder All Varieties | ||||
Pulmonaria All Varieties
Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ Salvia nemorosa All Varieties Botanical Name |
Lungwort All Varieties
‘Goldsturm’ Black-eyed Susan Perennial Salvia All Varieties Common Name |
Sedum spectabile | Sedum Many Upright Varieties | ||||
Sedum Hybrids Most Varieties | Sedum Hybrid Varieties | ||||
Rock ‘N Grow | |||||
Rock ‘N Low | |||||
Rock ‘N Round | |||||
Sempervivum All Varieties | Hens & Chicks | ||||
Zone 4 Trees | |||||
Botanical Name | Common Name | ||||
Acer griseum | Paperbark Maple | ||||
Acer palmatum ‘Cider Hill’ | ‘Cider Hill’ Japanese Maple | ||||
Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ | ‘Crimson King’ Norway Maple | ||||
Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’ | ‘October Glory’ Red Maple | ||||
Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’ | ‘Red Sunset’ Red Maple | ||||
Amelenchier ‘Autumn Brilliance’ | ‘Autumn Brilliance’ Serviceberry | ||||
Betula nigra Dura-Heat | Dura-Heat River Birch | ||||
Cornus mas ‘Golden Glory’ | ‘Golden Glory’ Cornelian Cherry | ||||
Cornus kousa Galilean | Galilean Kousa Dogwood | ||||
Gleditsia triacanthos | Thornless Honeylocust | ||||
Malus ‘Coralburst’ | ‘Coralburst’ Crabapple | ||||
Malus ‘Prairie Fire’ | ‘Prairie Fire’ Crabapple | ||||
Malus ‘Robinson’ | ‘Robinson’ Crabapple | ||||
Malus ‘Royal Raindrops’ | ‘Royal Raindrops’ Crabapple | ||||
Picea omorika | Serbian Spruce | ||||
Prunus Mt. St. Helens | Mt. St. Helen’s Purple Plum | ||||
Quercus bicolor | Swamp White Oak | ||||
Zone 4 Shrubs | |||||
Botanical Name | Common Name | ||||
Buxus Chicagoland Green | Chicagoland Green Boxwood | ||||
Buxus Green Velvet | Green Velvet Boxwood | ||||
Chamaecyparis pisi. ‘Golden Mops’ | ‘Golden Mops’ Cypress | ||||
Cletha alnifolia All varieties | Summersweet | ||||
Diervilla sess. Cool Splash | Dwf Bush Honeysuckle | ||||
Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ | Dwarf Burning Bush | ||||
Forsythia ‘Lynwood Gold’ | ‘Lynwood Gold’ Forsythia | ||||
Hydrangea mac. Endless Summer | Hydrangea Endless Summer
Bloomstruck Summer Crush The Original |
Juniperus procumbens ‘Nana’ | Dwarf Garden Juniper | ||||
Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ | ‘Blue Star’ Juniper | ||||
Ilex glabra All varieties | Inkberry All Varieties | ||||
Zone 4 Shrubs
Botanical Name Ilex verticillata All varieties |
Common Name
Winterberry All Varieties |
Magnolia loeb. ‘Leonard Messel’ | ‘Leonard Messell’ Magnolia | ||||
Magnolia x lili. Hybrids | Little Girl Series Magnolias | ||||
Philadelphus All varieties | Mockorange All Varieties | ||||
Rhododendron Aglo | Aglo Rhododendron | ||||
Rhododendron Midnight Ruby | Midnight Ruby Rhododendron | ||||
Rhododendron PJM | PJM Rhododendron | ||||
Rhododendron Purple Gem | Purple Gem Rhododendron | ||||
Sambucus nigra | Black Elderberry
Black Lace Instant Karma |
Taxus media All varieties | Yews | ||||
Densiformis | |||||
Majestic | |||||
Weigela florida All varieties | Weigela | ||||
Spilled Wine | |||||
Very Fine Wine | |||||
Wine & Roses | |||||
Zone 4 Vines | |||||
Botanical Name | Common Name | ||||
Wisteria macr. Summer Cascade | Summer Cascade Wisteria | ||||
Parthenocissus quin. Red Wall | Red Wall Virginia Creeper | ||||
Parthenocissus tricuspidata | Boston Ivy | ||||
Zone 4 Roses | |||||
Easy Elegance (Shrub) | |||||
Champagne Wishes | |||||
Como Park | |||||
Coral Cove | |||||
Kashmir | |||||
Music Box | |||||
Paint the Town | |||||
Drift Roses (Shrub) | |||||
Miracle on the Hudson (Shrub) | |||||
Zone 4 Perennials |
Botanical Name | Common Name | ||||
Allium Perennial hybrids | Allium Perennial | ||||
Medusa | |||||
Millenium | |||||
Serendipity | |||||
Astilbe x arendsii Hydrids All | Arendsii Hydrid Astilbies All | ||||
Astilbe chinensis All Varieties | Astilbe Chinese All Varieties | ||||
Astilbe japonica All Varieties | Astilbe Japanese All Varieties | ||||
Athyrium fili. All Varieties | Lady Fern All Varieties | ||||
Baptisia All Varieties | False Indigo All Varieties | ||||
Coreopsis grandiflora | Tickseed
Moonbeam Zagreb |
Dianthus Many Varieties | Pinks Many Varieties | ||||
Paint The Town Series | |||||
Fruit Punch Series | |||||
Echinacea Hybrids Most Varieties | Hybrid Coneflowers | ||||
Heliopsis helia. All Varieties | False Sunflower All Varieties | ||||
Heuchera species & Hybrids All | Coral Bells | ||||
Hibiscus mosc. Summerific Series | Perennial Hibiscus | ||||
Lavandula x inter. Phenomenal | Lavender Phenomenal | ||||
Lupinus | Lupine All Varieties | ||||
Perovskia atrip. All Varieties | Russian Sage All Varieties | ||||
Rudbeckia x ‘Little Gold Star’ | ‘Little Gold Star’ Black-eyed Susan | ||||
Sedum Sunsparkler Series | Sunsparkler Series Sedum | ||||
Veronica spicata All Varieties | Speedwell All Varieties | ||||
Zone 4 Grasses | |||||
Botanical Name | Common Name | ||||
Carex pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Sedge | ||||
Calamagrostis acuti. All Varieties | Feather Reed Grass | ||||
Festuca glauca | Blue Fescue | ||||
Beyond Blue | |||||
Elijah Blue | |||||
Juncus effusus ‘Big Twister’ | Corkscrew Rush | ||||
Panicum virgatum All Varieties | Switch Grass All Varieties |