It’s an extraordinary experience when you get buzzed by a hummingbird for the first time. First, there’s the double-take when you’re expecting a huge bug but find that it’s really a tiny bird flying through. Then you won’t believe your incredible luck to have experienced something so special. When you get the opportunity to watch these tiny travelers, you’ll be hooked, looking forward to every spring when they migrate back to our area. Here are some tips to help attract them to your garden.
Special Facts About Hummingbirds
- The most common hummingbird in the Northeast is the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.
- Hummingbirds migrate north in spring from their winter homes in Central America, Mexico, and, Florida.
- They beat their wings between 50 – 200 times per second.
- The hum you hear as a hummingbird flies by is the sound of their wings beating.
- They are one of the few birds that can hover.
- When escaping predators or diving, hummingbirds can reach speeds of up to 60 mph.
- The average Ruby-Throated Hummingbird weighs only 3 grams or 1/8th on an ounce.
- In a day, a hummingbird can consume up to 1⁄2 of its body weight in sugar, and they feed about every 10 minutes.
What Attracts Hummingbirds
- Bright red and orange color
- Tubular flowers
- Hummingbird feeders with reds and tubular feeding stations
Plants that attract hummingbirds
Honeysuckle Vine – Lonicera
Trumpet Vine – Campsis
Beard Tongue – Penstemon
Bee Balm – Monarda didyma Cardinal Flower – Lobelia cardinalis Columbine – Aquilegia
Coral Bells – Heuchera
Catmint – Nepeta
Daylily – Hemerocallis
Foxglove – Digitalis
Hollyhock – Alcea
Larkspur – Delphinium
Lily, Oriental and Asian – Lilium Lupine-Lupinus
Phlox, Garden – Phlox paniculata Red Hot Poker – Kniphofia
Salvia – Salvia spp.
Butterfly Bush – Buddleia Rhododendron
Impatiens Lantana
Petunia Salvia-Scarlet Sage Snapdragon Verbena
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