Locally Grown Fresh Cut Christmas Trees Available Starting November 16th.
Chuck’s Fresh Cut Christmas Trees are locally grown and harvested on our tree farms in Kirkville and Pompey NY. As the grower, we can begin our tree harvest later in the season, continually cutting right up to Christmas. As a result we have the best selection of fresh cut Christmas trees in Syracuse New York.
Not all sizes and varieties are available throughout the season, please call (315) 458-2231 for more information.
We grow Fraser Fir, Douglas Fir, Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, and Concolor. Each of our trees is given the utmost care in our fields hand pruned and fertilized annually for a strong, healthy, uniform tree. Every fall Chuck spends his days on the farm, hand-selecting each tree that will be cut. This gives you the choice of a healthy fresh cut tree at almost any price point.
Our fresh-cut Christmas trees are displayed undercover in our greenhouses. During our peak weekends, we have over 1,000 trees on display to choose from. They range in size from tabletop to 11’ tall. Each variety of fresh-cut Christmas Trees we sell offers a unique look, feel, and fragrance.
Our friendly staff makes purchasing the perfect tree fast and easy with these free services – We will make a fresh cut, drill your tree if needed, bale it, load, and tie it to your car!!!!!
Real Christmas Trees Benefit the Environment
17,000 acres of Christmas Trees are cultivated continually in New York State. They cleanse the atmosphere of 4,250,000 pounds of carbon each year, thereby helping to prevent global warming. They also add 11,475,00 pounds of oxygen to our supply of air.
Real Christmas Trees are grown as a crop, with tree nurseries providing new seedlings each year to replace those cut to decorate homes, offices, and communities during the holiday season.
For every Christmas tree cut down, approximately 9 are replanted to replace; meaning mass harvesting of trees poses no serious threat to the environment.
Christmas Tree farms preserve open space and the beauty of the natural environment and help to maintain important animal and plant habitats.
By mulching your real Christmas tree, the carbon stored in the needles and wood is released slowly back into the atmosphere. Your real Christmas tree can also be used as fuel to heat your home.
You can find more detailed information about how Christmas Trees support the environment by visiting the National Christmas Tree Association website.